About Us

Following in excess of thirty years practical and theoretical experience, Pulvex was established in 2009 by Philip Bosson with the intention of supplying high quality, innovative diamond tooling into construction and related industries. Never compromising on quality, Pulvex strives to deliver products of the highest performance and greatest life combined with competitive pricing and unparalleled customer support.

Health & Safety

All Pulvex products are produced to the highest standards in compliance with EN 13236. In addition to this, the majority of Pulvex products also have OSA (Organization for Safety in Abrasives) approval. Membership of OSA requires that products meet or surpass the CEN standards for safety requirements in abrasives and that stipulated testing procedures and conditions ensure that these standards are maintained. Only the fulfilment of these requirements gives members the right to mark their products with the OSA label.


Utilising the very latest technological advances, Pulvex is able to design and manufacture products to suit the most difficult of applications. Detailed knowledge of industry requirements allows Pulvex to create diamond blades and core bits that deliver exactly what is required by specific trades. We understand what you want and we are able to provide it.


All Pulvex products are extensively tested where it matters, on real sites by real people. This ensures that safety, performance and satisfaction are guaranteed.

Pulvex Blades